Friday, 26 September 2008

10 must have features for email marketing

At eShoutz we feel that there are 10 features every email marketer requires from their email marketing provider.

1. Automated bounce and unsubscribe management
If your email campaigns are not delivered because they are being sent to an invalid email address, the address is removed automatically from your address books by eShoutz. This will prevent you from sending to the address again.

2. Open and click-through tracking
eShoutz provides open and click-through information about all of your sent email campaigns, and you can even print off boardroom-ready reports on the success of your campaign.

3. Spam checker
You need to able to check that your email campaign is likely to get past spam filters. The eShoutz spam checker points out any aspects of your html and text emails which may be classed as spam before you attempt to send the email newsletter.

4. Inbox preview
You should be able to check what your email campaign will look like in different inboxes. Check the layout in Yahoo, Gmail etc.

5. Email address de-duplication
You don't want to annoy recipients by sending them an email campaign more than once because their address is duplicated within an address book. eShoutz takes out any duplicates on your behalf.

6. Template library
You should be able to store all email campaigns within a library so that you can use them as editable templates again and again. eShoutz has an extensive range of editable templates in the library free for you to use, or alternatively you can add your own designs.

7. Unique domain option
Using a unique domain and URL reduces your chance of becoming blacklisted by an email provider's other clients. You should buy a unique domain if your provider gives you the option.

8. Testing facility
It is important that all email marketing campaigns are tested before they are sent to full address books. eShoutz allows you to send as many tests of your html and text email campaigns as you wish.

9. Dynamic content and personalisation options
Sending email campaigns that are tailored to your recipients' tastes results in better click-through rates. As does personalising your email campaigns. eShoutz allows you to dynamically create your email campaigns so that recipients receive offers and news which they have expressed an interest in or have asked for.

10. ROI and conversion tracking
All email marketers will want to measure the success of email campaigns, and by tracking direct conversions from a campaign allows them to calculate the return on investment. eShoutz offers extensive ROI tracking and provides a breakdown of orders, bookings or enquiries, the value of those leads and also the products that have been purchased or enquiried about on your website.

For more information about eShoutz email marketing and its range of features visit

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