Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Email Bounce Backs

Having trouble with email bounce backs? Not sure what the difference is between a soft bounce back and a hard bounce back? Don't worry eShoutz can help you to understand bounce backs and give you tips on how to manage and reduce them.

Soft Bounce Back
An email is classed as a soft bounce back when it reaches the subscriber's mail server and the email adress is recognised but the email is bounced back undelivered before it reaches the intended subscriber. A soft bounce back usually occurs when:

1. the subscriber's mailbox is full,
2. the server is down or downloading lots of emails,
3. the email is too large, or
4. the subscriber has abandoned their mailbox.

If your email is a soft bounce, most email providers will attempt to redeliver the email over the next few days.

Hard Bounce Back
An email is defined as a hard bounce back when it is returned to its sender and cannot be redelivered. Common causes for a hard bounce back include:

1. invalid email addresses i.e. the domain name doesn't exist, typing errors etc
2. the subscriber's mail server has blocked your server

Quick Tips
Actively managing your bounce backs can help to reduce your email delivery costs and help to increase conversions. Here are some quick tips on how to manage & reduce your bounce backs:

1. Clean your Lists - check for incorrect email addresses, invalid domain names and typing errors
2. Confirm email addresses - You could try an auto-reply confirmation so when an email address is captured if the auto-reply bounces you can attempt to correct it at the start, which will be less cost to yourself. Alternatively, you could use a second email address line in your online forms etc, this will help to prevent typos.
3. Include subscription links in your email - By including a link for subscribers within your email it will make it easier for subscribers to update their details.
4. Use an unique URL and 'From' address - This means that if any other email marketers using the same software as you get blacklisted they will not have any affect on your campaigns.
5. Test your email campaign - Prior to sending your email campaign send a test to yourself and others. Be sure to include Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook.
6. Suppress or delete recurring bounce backs - If all else fails you should remove the subscriber from your address book.

Visit for further email marketing tips and advice.

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