Wednesday 22 October 2008

Improve your email marketing reputation

You may not be aware of it, but ISPs are constantly checking your reputation as a commercial email sender, and will filter or block your newsletters accordingly. Sender reputation therefore plays an important part in getting your emails delivered. Here are some tips from eShoutz on how to improve your reputation:

1. Maintain quality address books.
It is important for both your reputation and results that you are sending email marketing campaigns to valid email addresses of recipients who are interested in receiving your newsletters.

2. Adopt email authentication.
If an ISP authenticates your email, it can enable receiving domains and reputation service providers to establish your identity and to associate a reputation with it. This prevents your email from being sent to the junk box.

3. Reduce your complaint rates.
Prevent recipients from hitting the 'this is spam' button by sending them emails with relevant content. Also, manage how frequently you send email marketing campaigns.

4. Monitor your sender reputation.
Check on a regular basis that your send address is not on any blacklists. Also, keep an eye on your key performance indicators. These include complains, unsubscribes and delivery rates.

5. It is advised to purchase a unique sending domain. Buy one that has been set up correctly to ensure that it is recognised by receiving domains.

For more email marketing advice and tips visit

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