Friday, 31 October 2008

Are your email newsletters suffering from poor performance?

Struggling to get great results from your email marketing? Here are a few reasons why your email marketing campaigns may not be performing as well as you would like:
  • Data Collection - Are the email addresses within your address books opted-in? If you are buying or renting lists, ensure that the emails are all genuine and have opted into receiving promotional email newsletters.
  • Frequency - Are you sending your email marketing campaigns too frequently or not often enough? You don't want to bombard your recipients with newsletters, but you also don't want them to forget who you are. The eShoutz team thinks that you should send email campaigns to the same lists at least once a month but no more than once a week.
  • Email creative - What does your email newsletter look like? Is it attractive? Are the calls to action clear? Does your email campaign work even when the images are disabled?
  • Content - Is the content relevant? Are you promotion products or services that you recipients want information about? Also, are your offers competitive enough to appeal?
  • Deliverability - Are your email campaigns making it into your recipients' inboxes or going into their junk folder? Ensure that you always spam check your emails before sending them. If they are going into the junk / spam folder they are not going to receive many clicks.

Taking all of the above into consideration and making a few simple changes will improve your email marketing results and return on investment.

For more information on how to improve your email marketing activity visit

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